Smart Cities Committee

The Smart Cities Committee aims to move the largest global corporate greenhouse gas emitters to reduce emissions along value chains and improve corporate governance frameworks to articulate executive decisions. Address strategies to understand how firms can be assessed along their sector-based decarbonization pathways toward future transportation to connect communities.  The Smart Cities Expo & Forum forges new relationships between buyers and suppliers with current and potential investments in green economy space. It seeks job opportunities in the green growth sector, talks about smart cities and transportation, talks about energy and sustainable cities,  responsible for Small and Micro business and discuss the benefits of Constructing Cities with Zero Carbon Emissions.

Scyller Borglum
Dr. Scyller Borglum

Smart Cities Committee

Jerry Silva
Jerry Silva

Smart Cities Committee

Kevin Frost
Kevin Frost

Smart Cities Committee

Marco Avila
Marco Avila

Member of the Committee,
Smart Cities Committee

Manuel Rosales

Member of the Committee,
Smart Cities Committee